What’s up everyone? It’s Rich. Today we’re going to talk about Nelly’s leaked sex video and reactions from others about the content of that video. Specifically, I want to address the false expectations, and stereotypes around penis size.
Now, I don’t normally post stuff like this, but I feel like this is a very important topic because guys are also victims of body shaming. It’s not just women (And no I’m not trying to compare or start a debate on who has it worse). The bottom line is, it’s cruel to body shame anyone, period.
It creates a false narrative, especially for newer generations or those who lack an education in the sex department. But, for whatever reason, we’re still stuck with this mindset that guys need to be “big enough” or a certain size to ride the sex rollercoaster. This and that if you’re not packing below the belt, then your “value” or “worth” is lowered.
Nelly is not the first celebrity that got his nudes or sex tapes leaked by “accident”. But the important thing I want you all to recognize is that penis size is constantly exaggerated in society today. Let’s dive deeper into that.
Reactions On Twitter About Nelly’s Penis Size in His Leaked Video
Supposedly Nelly’s Instagram was hacked and a video of him getting a blowjob from some girl was posted to his Instagram story for everyone to see. As the video was quickly deleted, there were some people that saved it and posted it on other social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit.
I’m sure many of you have seen it trending on Twitter and may have seen the video, but what got my attention was the reactions and negative comments people were saying about Nelly’s penis size and the girl giving him a blowjob.
Here are some of the surprising comments and reactions on Twitter:
“I mean it’s not a bad cock, it’s great for building emotional attachment, good old boyfriend dick but I mean for Nelly…I have mixed emotions like that lil plaster on his face gave me a very different idea tbvh”
“I've always envisioned Nelly having a dick so big if I swallowed it, it would come out of my asshole. Dreams have been shattered today.
“It’s boyfriend dick”
“Why is ya’ll act like this? It’s a good size. I’ll rather have this then a pencil one. Friction.”
“Aint 5 average?
“Leave it to this app to have a whole dissertation on Nelly’s penis size and how women are body shaming him lol women know what they like in their coochie and wanting bigger doesn’t mean the cooch is stretched out”
“ Me to Nelly: It’s Kinda little (shrimp emoji)
Nelly: I’m worth $40 million”

I swear I started losing brain cells after reading some of these comments. But, the consensus was that Nelly’s “average size” penis was too small or they were disappointed because they assumed he had a big dick.
Now, I do like Nelly, but I think the hate stems from the types of songs he promoted that may or may not have suggested he had a big dick and was having sex with everyone. I think in the rap world, a lot of people hold these famous male rappers to this expectation.
Threads And Posts On Reddit About Nelly’s Leaked Video
Twitter wasn’t the only one taking a shot at the leaked video. Unlike Twitter where everyone is limited to 280 characters, Reddit had paragraphs and debates about his size, and the girl giving him head.
Most men posted threads saying they felt insecure because they had similar sizes to what Nelly had.
One notable quote from a subreddit called “bigdickproblems” (BTW..it’s not a big dick problem) said:
“It’s sad looking at the comments, but we must remember Twitter is the hellhole of the internet so I wouldn’t care for what people say in there”
In another subreddit called “smalldickproblems” one Reddit user wrote:
“The comments are tiring. “It’s small for a black man.”. Not every black man has 10 inches. I swear people’s brains are fried from porn.”
This was definitely worth mentioning because the stereotype that ALL black guys have big dicks or a “BBC” is actually false. Sadly, this stereotype is still prevalent today. It creates false narratives and confuses people in the dating world when they have these expectations or when they “oversexualize” black men because of this stereotype.
I can only imagine how mentally draining or damaging this is to men of all races when dealing with insecurities about their size.
Another quote worth mentioning:
“I’d say that a lot of the hate he is getting is because rappers spend their whole lives trying to promote themselves as gangster badass’ with huge dicks who fuck all the bitches. Rap in general is one huge dick measuring competition.”
The True Average Size Is Perfectly Normal And More Common Than You Think
In the video (if you want to see it, go find it on Twitter or Reddit), I’m going to assume that Nelly is packing at least 5 to 5.5 inches nonbone pressed (visible length). It’s slightly above average.
The average penis size when erect is statistically at 5.1 inches bone pressed (with a ruler pressing into your fat pad on the top side of the penis). This was from a study of a large sample population of 15,000+ men getting measured by the researchers. It has been concluded that the majority of men have similar dimensions to what Nelly has or a standard deviation or two over (on both sides of the spectrum).
Quiz Time Everyone
The Problem Is That Both Men And Women Exaggerate Penis Size
It honestly amazes me that men and women exaggerate penis size and literally belittled his size. It appears as though people still think the stereotype of black guys and/or rappers are expected to have big/huge penises. It’s no wonder why everyone was in an uproar when they found out he wasn’t as big as they thought he was.
The problem we face in society is false expectations about penis size. For starters, most guys are insecure about their penis size. In my personal opinion, I think the older studies on penis size, like the Kinsey report, contributed to the false expectations and exaggerations we know about penises. Those older studies put the average penis size in a “range” from 5 to 6.5 inches. For a long time, (since the 1950s) this is what we knew when it came to penis size. However, the problem with this study was that it heavily relied on guys giving “self-reported” estimates of their size.
Guys tend to add on another inch or two to exaggerate their size due to confidence issues or fear of being known as having an average-sized penis. It wasn’t until we got more accurate studies to prevent these biased submissions that lead to the true average penis size of being closer to 5 inches.
Can We Stop Being Ignorant And Actually Learn More Sex Education?
Society, culture, movies, social media, and other perspectives have put so much emphasis on big dicks for years making it sound more appealing when size shouldn’t be a “desired trait to have”. But, because of conflicting data and research out there, I hate to say this, but I do think that size matters based on my own personal experience and a lot of studies out there concerning preferences, female anatomy/dimensions when aroused, the factors involved for a woman to orgasm, etc.

You can have a big dick and know how to use it, but you can also be smaller and know how to use it too. I just think that a lot of people are ignorant and lack sex education to know the true importance of sex as a whole (the “how to”). Size does play a role, but there is a lot more involved in a relationship and sex than just the size.
And not everything is about big dick competition. There are plenty of environments where other men are naked in a public setting. The majority of men are packing the same equipment. I’m not saying to stare, but it’s unavoidable in these public settings where you’ll see a penis right in front of you. For example, the locker room, a communal shower, a nude beach in another country, a spa, etc.
Seriously, not every guy is walking around with porno dicks in their pants (I’ll explain later). Average is more common than you think. And anything above that is really not that much bigger in person.
Porn is a good example of this. Years ago we had lower-quality cameras and more amateur videos. As of today, we have more higher quality videos and technology to shoot different angles focusing on certain spots in a video (penetration, blowjob, handjob, etc.) to make it appear bigger than what it seems.
Most of these male porn stars are slightly above average, but the final edited video makes them look big/hung because of these other factors:
Small partner with small hands,
Choosing a male actor who is lean with a low body fat percentage (lower body fat in the pubic region makes your penis look visibly bigger).
Using injections, penis pumps, and other erection aids to increase blood flow to the penis to make it look full and bigger
The list can go on
Can We Accept That Nelly’s Penis Size Is Normal And Just Move On?
A message to everyone:

To the people who think it’s small…It’s not. It’s a perfectly normal and common dick size that most guys have
To the people who think black guys are supposed to be big: Newsflash...this is just a stereotype. We all range on a spectrum.
To the guys who are now feeling insecure because of the comments being said about Nelly's penis size:
These people don’t know shit. It’s ignorance. Don’t forget that. Only you know the truth about the true average. At the same time. You can work it/be good in bed with an average size, so long as you know how to use it and actually learn more about sex education.
To the guys and girls wondering if size matters: Yes and no. It matters to some people. At the same time it doesn't matter to others. Don’t let anyone tell you any different because if you say that “size doesn’t matter”, you’re being ignorant to those who actually have a preference on what they prefer. We live in 2022 now. People are more vocal about what they want in a relationship and in bed. And whether you like it or not, some men and women are going to prefer a bigger a penis (Some will prefer smaller).
Closing thoughts
If size matters to you, then it matters. And you’re not alone. Some guys wish they were bigger in both length and girth. The truth is, you’re never going to know someone's preferences when you meet them for the first time. Whether it’s in the dating/casual world or when getting into a relationship, it’s going to be a rocky road on figuring out if you’re enough. The best thing you can do is try to master sex by learning about it or doing something about your size.
Most of these tweets, posts, threads, etc. on Nelly’s leaked video tried to poorly explain that guys can’t control their size. This is actually false.
You can make it bigger because there are millions of guys who are a part of online communities who explore penis enlargements devices, tools and routines. There are plenty of online videos and images of naked guys trying to show penis enlarging workouts, routines, and before and after shots.
But is it reliable or safe for anyone to do? Not entirely.
It takes a certain mindset to commit to a routine and to actually get started. Some guys (if not more) aren’t cut out to do this stuff because they have false expectations about it and they think they can gain an inch in 4 weeks or a short amount of time.
Guys like this will fail when trying penis enlarging exercises. This or getting injured with the wrong expectation from the get go.
Penis enlargement comes with rewards, but at the same time there are risks involved. It also takes a long time. But, this is another story for another time.

BDEStyle is a community that advocates sex positivity. BDE stands for big dick energy. It’s not to be mistaken with the definition of a guy having a big dick (this is a wrong perception about the term and it is widely misused every day).
BDE is for everyone. It’s about finding your inner confidence and being secure with being insecure. It’s a positive affirmation that we all really need right now to address topics about sex, body positivity, penis size, erectile dysfunction, and more.
Always here for you guys and stay tuned for more informative and educational posts relating to sexual health and education.