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Christmas 2021 Sale: The Phoenix Device $175 Dollars Off

BDE Style

Updated: May 30, 2023

What's up guys? It's Rich with a quick message.

I want to welcome all of our new readers to our community here at BDEStyle and to wish you all a happy holiday season! Our tribe has grown into something special and I'm proud of how far this community has come in such a short time span. Now, let's finish the year strong. I'm sure most of us are happy to start fresh in 2022, especially when we're still dealing with a pandemic (Omicron variant).

Unfortunately, I tested positive for COVID-19 last week, so my celebrations will have to be delayed. Don't worry; I'm okay now. Thankfully my symptoms were only mild. I'll definitely get a few checkups in the new year to make sure I didn't develop anything serious. I'm going to stay positive about it (lol not literally)!

But, enough about me. I hope you all are doing well and staying healthy. That's what matters.

Christmas 2021 and New Year sale for The Phoenix Device For ED Offered At BDEStyle

Now today, I want to share with our BDE tribe an EXCLUSIVE discount for getmyphoenix's Phoenix Li-ESWT device this Christmas and New Year. The sale is $175 dollars off. The Phoenix is usually $879 dollars, and this sale will make it that much cheaper ($879- 175= $704 dollars) to start experiencing the benefit of stronger and harder erections. (I will explain the code/dates below, so PLEASE keep reading!)

Christmas only comes around once a year and this is a good time to take advantage of this sale, especially for those of you who have read about The Phoenix and are still contemplating on whether or not to get one.

If you've read my personal ONE year review of The Phoenix Acoustic Wave device, I still have the SAME results as I did when I first used it back in July 2020 (even today I still have the same results). I may have COVID-19 right now and can't have sex until I'm not "contagious" anymore. But, I'm horny and still have random erections throughout the day (I know...TMI lol, but 10-14 days of isolation is a long time for me).

Using The Phoenix is by far one of the best things to ever happen to me. I recommend that all guys should own this device at home to help improve their sexual performance and make it easier to "get it up" again.

It doesn't matter if you're 60 years old trying to treat ED, or 30 years old with mild symptoms trying to prevent it. I literally STILL have the same device from when I started last year and it still works perfectly fine and there are still plenty of treatments left that I can use in the future for when I get older and symptoms start up again.

You can also read why The Phoenix is not a one time solution here, which the OBVIOUS answer is "not being able to get it up" can always come back if you don't take care of your health (you're overweight, you don't manage your diabetes, you have high cholesterol, etc.), you make poor lifestyle choices like drink, smoke, do drugs, take beta blockers, etc.

Remember the aftercare is YOUR responsibility.

The Phoenix works, and it works very well. I constantly tell guys that are a part of our BDE tribe to look at their whole health too. The Phoenix makes it easier for you to "rise to the occasion" once again. But you still need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to get the best results. Now, without further ado, here is the code and the dates of when it starts and ends so you can start the new year fresh and ready to perform your best.

Getmyphoenix's discount code for The Phoenix Li-ESWT Device This Christmas 2021/New Year deal

Don't be that idiot who misses out on the opportunity to own an at-home Li-ESWT device for this price. Although this at-home acoustic wave therapy option is already cheap to begin with, it's a no-brainer to get for $175 dollars less.

The Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022 deal that's going on right NOW

(basically tomorrow or by midnight tonight) ****UPDATED 12/22/2021 so get ready guys! it STARTS soon.

12/23/2021 and ending on 1/01/2022 at 11:59 pm Eastern time

---> By going through my priority link use CODE: NEWYOU175 for $175 off The Phoenix when you checkout.

This sale has ended, BUT the everyday discount when there is not a sale going on is code RED50

BDEStyle sharing a special discount for getmyphoenix Li-ESWT device for $175 dollars off

Why choose The Phoenix Li-ESWT Device For A Fresh Start This New Year

New year, Better sex. Literally... I'm not BSing you guys when I say it feels so good to be able to "get it up" once again when you follow getmyphoenix's treatment protocol.

Years ago I used to mix pills and dosages to make sure I was prepared when having sex with a partner. The worst part about it was that I had to "time" my intimate moments so that these pills could work. To me, that's not "organic" or natural. It always felt forced. Even when It came down to the "sex" part, I never truly felt as hard as I could be.

As we all age the plumbing in our pipes....aka our penises start to get clogged up and aren't working like they're supposed to. It happens to many of us. If you’re the type of guy that’s into biohacking, self-improvement, or overall optimization, The Phoenix can take you steps further with improved sex and being able to "rise to the occasion" when you need too.

For me, I felt like I could hold more blood inside my dick as the treatments progressed.

The Phoenix also takes the pressure off of you to visit a doctor far away for in-clinic treatment that is thousands of dollars more expensive. At the same time, you don't have to get naked at the doctor's office or feel embarrassed as a registered nurse (usually a female) holds your limp penis for 20 minutes while zapping away at it with their Storz acoustic wave machine.

I've tried the in-clinic wave therapy. But, it's costly.

Personally, I don't mind going to a clinic or stripping down naked from the waist down in front of a registered nurse. But, there are many guys that do care and are embarrassed to be seen flaccid or to be known that they have a 'blood flow' problem.

For me, I consider at-home acoustic wave therapy to be cost-effective and time-saving. For others, it might mean more than that.

Your sexual health is VERY personal, so this option can help save a guy from awkward embarrassment. For others, it's about the satisfaction of solving the blood flow issue themselves and then 'breaking the bed' later on with their partners. We all have our reasons.

The Phoenix Gives Us A Chance To "Get It Up" Once Again

To piggyback off of what I mentioned above...

Men are often afraid to go to the doctor because of embarrassment and being seen as “less of a man”. One of the worst fears any guy will have in the bedroom is not being able to satisfy his partner. I would know because I had that fear at certain points in my life too. We all have.

Most guys turn to medications and surgeries because doctors push these options and fail to properly educate men about how an erection actually happens. You always see ads for chewable pills or use this injection for a quick erection. But, they NEVER solve the ROOT problem of not being able to "get it up". They only act as a Band-Aid fix.

But even taking pills, injections, cock rings, and other enhancements are just as embarrassing.

Who wants to pop a pill for the rest of their life? What if you end up getting heart disease or diabetes when you're older? Popping a little blue pill won't be an option because of the dangers of mixing medication and nitrates like tadalafil or sildenafil. At the same time, your arteries will be so clogged up from poor lifestyle choices and not taking care of your health that ED medication like Viagra will lose its effectiveness over time.

Acoustic wave therapy technology that is used in The Phoenix device help men regain their sexual performance by making it easier to "get it up" again. The acoustic waves or the low-intensity shock waves applied to the penis help improve sex and make men more confident.

The average guy will notice after using The Phoenix for at least 12 treatments:

  • Improved sex

  • Easier to "get it up"

  • More confident

  • Prevent further sexual decline

  • Restore sexual overall performance

It's all about investing in your own penis and appreciating your performance afterward.

Investing in Your Penis With The Phoenix Device

The Phoenix is a patented device that both experts and doctors alike recommend. Unlike surgical options, this treatment is non-invasive and can be done at home! Investing in your penis or 'erection health' improves the longevity of a man’s erectile function while helping reverse the causes of sexual decline.

If you really think about it, from a small age many of us start building up plaque in arteries throughout the body, and for guys, this includes the penis. When men don’t eat right or take care of their overall health, this may lead to physical problems like a lack of blood flow and not being able to "get it up".

Of course, you always want a proper diagnosis from a medical professional to determine the root cause and your overall health. But, with an at-home-use device like The Phoenix, you'll learn to adopt a new mindset that "getting it up" is important, and going forward you'll want to make sure you do everything to maintain results and prevent further sexual decline. It's all about being health conscious and holding yourself accountable.

Take Control Of Your Sexual Health This Christmas 2021 and Rise To The Occasion In The New Year

With repeated treatments, most men (or the average guy to be specific) see improvements in their sexual performance after a cycle of 12 treatments. But, it’s important to note that ALL men are different, have different dicks, and have different cases. So depending on these factors may require more treatment sessions. We broke down in a previous post about What it takes to be a good candidate for acoustic wave therapy treatment and who is a bad candidate.

To summarize who is a bad candidate is:

  • Someone who smokes

  • A guy that has uncontrolled/unmanaged diabetes

  • Someone who is obese

  • Eating poorly

  • Imbalanced hormones like Low T

  • A guy that is not active or works out

  • Someone who does drugs or drinks excessively (alcoholism)

  • Other unmanaged conditions resulting from poor lifestyle choices.

If you're NOT a guy that fits the "bad" candidate checklist above, then acoustic wave therapy will most likely work for you.

If you DO fit that checklist, then it will probably be harder to see positive results. If you haven’t checked out my personal review of The Phoenix, I recommend reading the full post here. It goes into depth about my results after 12 treatments and how it changed my bedroom performance and experience.

I also, did mention in another post that the more erections and sex you have the better it is for your OVERALL penis health. Penis health is important guys and having multiple healthy erections a day is good for you so that you can produce them more naturally.

Getting Your Phoenix Li-ESWT Device This Christmas 2021/New Year

Copying and pasting the coupon code for The Phoenix for this Christmas:

The Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022 deal that's going on right NOW 12/23/2021 and ending on 1/01/2022 at 11:59 pm Eastern time

---> By going through my priority link use CODE: NEWYOU175 for $175 off The Phoenix when you checkout.

This sale is over BUT the everyday discount when there is not a sale going on is code RED50

I've had my Phoenix device for over a year and a half now. I will definitely restart treatment at the 2-year mark (maybe before) and will let you guys know my experience then. At this time, I'm able to "get it up" easier, perform in bed, and there's plenty of treatments left with the device that I can use.

If you're getting your Phoenix this Christmas, just know that if you NEED to re-treat in the future after using it for your first treatment cycle of 12 sessions, you would literally have the device for at least 58 more treatments. Again, Getmyphoenix recommends replacing it after 70 treatments or when there is a significant drop in power from the device.

You're not going to go through 70 treatments in a few months. That's absurd. Just stick to Dr. Thomson's 120-day protocol and then evaluate from there. Just follow the initial protocol and you'll gradually see improvements. It's a process, but a very rewarding and exciting one.

But, why do you need to re-treat, or how often do you have to do this? Pay attention guys.

Most of the results you see after a 12-treatment cycle may last up to 2 years. But, if you have a poor lifestyle or need a touch-up, you may have to re-treat by the 2-year mark or earlier (1-year mark or earlier depending on how bad your lifestyle is).

The main goal is to be appreciative of your penile/erection health after treatment. Not go backward and eat poorly, smoke, or do all kinds of things to damage/hurt the function of your penis.

From my experience, I personally do not smoke, drink, or do drugs. I'm very active and I work out 4-6 times a week. I try to eat healthy (no fried or oily foods). Just mainly fruits, veggies, some meats, and fish. I have sex as much as I want. I have a partner who I communicate with and who was on board (and still is) since the beginning of this journey for me.

I'm also not scared of the doctors and I try to get routine blood work to make sure my T levels, cholesterol, and other hormones are in check. So far so good and I plan to keep it that way! This lifestyle is attainable. It's BDE (Big dick energy) and I want to share it with you guys. "If I can do it, so can you" motto!

man overcoming ed

You can always email me at if you ever want to talk about The Phoenix and your personal experience. As a reminder, I'm not a doctor and my advice should not be misconstrued as medical advice. Again, I personally used The Phoenix. It works and I'm happy to advocate and talk about it with anyone of you who are on the fence or have erection issues. I have a lot of personal experience with this and have dedicated the past 10 years to researching sexual performance issues, ED, the causes, and what you can do about it.

I'm happy to help In any way I can!


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