This is a very OLD SALE. If you're on this page this sale ended last year January 1st, 2021. Look at the dates. PLEASE visit my review of The Phoenix for any updates/sales.
The world's first home-use acoustic wave therapy device called The Phoenix for men is literally flying off the shelves this Christmas. Starting December 20th, 2020 until January 1st, 2021, Launch Medical is offering a serious Xmas discount of an automatic $150 dollars off The Phoenix device to anyone who visits their site.
BUT, by going through my influencer link you can receive an EXTRA $50 dollars off by typing in the coupon code---> RED50 when you checkout.
BDE Style recommends The Phoenix and wants every guy (and girl) to enjoy better bedroom performance and experience with this world-class treatment device the same way we did! Men can use the device in the privacy, comfort, and convenience of their own homes without having to drive far to a clinic that overcharges for the SAME type of treatment.
If you’re the type of guy that’s into biohacking, self-improvement, or overall optimization, The Phoenix can take you steps further with improved quality when "getting it up" in the bedroom. Here’s more information about this Christmas 2020 sale of The Phoenix device for sexual decline in men... $200 OFF promotion.
Are you familiar with Acoustic Wave Therapy Technology?
Men are often afraid to seek treatment because of embarrassment and being seen as “less of a man”. Enhancers, medications, and surgeries have always been an option in the past, but they NEVER solved the root problem when it comes to truly being able to "get it up" and "keep it up" when it comes to intimacy.
Unlike other treatment options that act as a Band-Aid, acoustic wave therapy helps treat the root problem of sexual decline while giving men hope for a better sexual performance and more confidence in the bedroom.
The acoustic wave therapy technology that is used in The Phoenix device improves bedroom performance and makes getting it up easier! The acoustic waves or the low-intensity shock waves are a hybrid of focused and radial waves that doctors and experts use every day.
Why You Should Try The Phoenix This Christmas
The Phoenix is an FDA-registered device that helps restore blood flow. It is also non-invasive and improves the longevity of a man’s sexual performance by helping them "get it up" and "keep it up".
If you really think about it, from a small age many of us start building up plaque in arteries throughout the body, and for guys, this includes the penis. Our sexual performance declines naturally as we age. Not only that but also our everyday lifestyle choices can affect our sexual health. When men don’t eat right or care about their overall health, this may often lead to physical problems like ED.
Of course, you always want a proper diagnosis from a medical professional to determine the root cause, but with a home-use device like The Phoenix, you can enjoy better sex in the bedroom.
The Christmas Gift of a Stronger and Better Penis!
With repeated treatments, most men see improvements in their sexual performance after 6-12 treatments. But, it’s important to note that all men are different, have different dicks, and have different cases of "Not being able to get it up". Sometimes having issues with your erections and sexual performance are a result of Peyronie’s disease (curve of the penis) or a Venous leak, so this may require more treatment.

If you haven’t checked out my personal review of The Phoenix, I recommend reading the full post here. It goes into depth about my results after 12 treatments and how it changed my bedroom performance and experience.
If you haven’t checked out the best protocol with The Phoenix, I suggest checking it out. It goes into depth about what the product is, how often you should use it, how to use it, video concepts of acoustic wave therapy on the penis, and the in-depth science behind The Phoenix.
How to get $200 off the home-use acoustic wave therapy device called The Phoenix?
This is an OLD sale from December 2020 of last year that ended a LONG time ago. For more updated information on sales/promotions or to read my FULL review of the Phoenix.
Acoustic wave therapy is going to change the way men seek help for "getting it up". This Christmas you have the option to take back your sexual performance with The Phoenix Device at an even better price point. Before you could get the device for $879 dollars and now, you can get it for just $679 dollars.
As most guys only need 6-12 treatments, the device is meant to last up to 70 treatments. Therefore, if you needed to re-treat, you would have the device for up to 54 treatments more.
In order to get this awesome sale, all you have to do is visit The Phoenix’s website between December 20th, 2020, through New Year's Day January 1st, 2021. That’s 12 days to make a decision that will change your sex life for the better. Again, you can use my priority link to take advantage of the FULL $200 dollars OFF (both discounts) to get your Phoenix this Christmas.
Remember to type in----> RED50 for an extra $50 dollars off when you check out!!!