Yes, you can break your penis and with one wrong move, snap, twist or forceful thrust can land you in the hospital and weeks or months without sex.
Brace yourselves, we’re going to talk about an uncomfortable subject today; penile fractures! While you may well believe that a penis fracture is a thing of myth and legend, we’re here to tell you that they are, in fact, very real and very painful. In fact, they’re more common than you think!
“But there are no bones in the penis”. Yes, this is true, but that doesn’t mean you can’t break it though! While it might not be the same type of fracture you sustain on your leg, it can still be very painful, and something you’d never want to happen to you!
The excruciating pain and discomfort that you experience as a result of a penis fracture is only the start of your problems. If you have a broken dick, problems like erectile dysfunction or peyronie’s disease will soon follow.
Let’s take a deeper dive into what causes penile fractures, how common they are, and what you can do to avoid them in our guide on breaking your penis during sex: penis fractures gone wrong.

The Penis is Not a Bone, But it Can Definitely Break!
To understand how you can break your penis, we first need to look at how your dick is put together in the first place.
Your penis consists of three tubes. Two of these, the ‘’corpora cavernosa’ fill up with blood when you get hard. The skin of these, the tunica albuginea, expands in all directions when you get an erection.
When you get turned on, blood flows into these two tubes. This makes your penis hard; it also makes it very difficult to bend, meaning if your dick accidentally thrusts against your partner’s perineum, you could end up rupturing it.
You’ll only ever sustain this type of injury when you’re erect. If your penis is flaccid, it will be able to take any force that comes it's way. Penis fractures are almost always the result of vigorous sexual activity.
Vigorous Sex Might Be The Reason Why You Broke Your Penis
The majority of penis fractures are caused by vigorous sex. If you’re going at it like a jackhammer during penetrative sex, all it takes is for you or your partner to move slightly out of position and for your penis to land against a hard part of their body such as their perineum, and you could be nursing a very painful penile fracture.

Again, it’s hard to put an exact statistic on the frequency of this type of trauma due to the fact that some guys don’t seek help for their injury, however, one study puts the percentage caused by vigorous intercourse at 57.2%. Injuries through masturbation and falling on an erect penis also rank as possible causes.
Typically, penile fractures tend to occur in heterosexual guys aged between 30-50 with only 1.8% occurring in men having sex with other men. We can imply that this age range of guys are most likely dealing with some degree of erectile dysfunction.
We already know that blood flow naturally decreases to the penis at some point after a guy's 18th birthday. And if you really think about it, a less rigid erection could possibly slip out during sex or hit the pelvic region the wrong way causing trauma to the penis.
Sex Under ‘Stressful’ Situations Might Be Another Reason Why You Broke Your Penis
Did you know that penis fractures most commonly occur during the summer months and on weekends!

Another study worth mentioning goes deeper into the reasons why guys get penis injuries during sex and suggests it happens during ‘stressful’ situations. It implies that the chances of sustaining an injury increases if it’s an extramarital affair or trying out a new move, position, or place out of the ordinary.
So, you could be outside on a warm summer day or weekend posted up with a girl against a tree trying to impress her, and then you both ‘accidentally’ fall and you break your dick in the process. Yikes!
I would hope this doesn’t happen to anyone reading this. After all, penis fractures are not that common. Or are they?
How Common Are Penis Fractures?
Some sources state that penis fractures are pretty rare, while others claim they’re a more common occurrence. It’s estimated that there are between 500-600 cases of penile fracture in the U.S every year.

The truth of the matter is that a lot of guys don’t seek help when they’ve experienced such an injury, meaning that there is still a population of men that go undiagnosed and without treatment. This may be because of embarrassment or fear of being seen by others as the guy who ‘broke his dick’.
While embarrassing the situation may be, a penis fracture is considered a urological emergency. If you think you’ve been injured in this way, seek medical advice immediately so treatment and recovery can begin as soon as possible.
What Does a Penis Fracture Feel Like?
So, how do you know if you’ve fractured your penis? Well, the first thing you’ll notice is a popping or cracking sound when it first happens. That’s a sure sign that something’s not right down there.
You’ll almost always lose your erection instantly. Soon, you’ll very likely notice a considerable amount of swelling on your penis, as well as bruising.
Following this, you may have trouble urinating, and you may even pass blood in your urine. If this is the case, you may have ruptured your urethra.
Can Penis Fractures Lead to Erectile Dysfunction & Sexual Performance Issues?
If left untreated, penis fractures could lead to Peyronie’s disease. This is a condition where the penis starts to curve. This curvature is brought about by fibrosis scar tissue or plaque developing beneath the skin of the penis.
One of the common side effects of Peyronie’s disease is erectile dysfunction. This occurs because the build-up of plaque or scar tissue stops the blood from flowing through the penis as it should.

How Can I Have Rough Sex While Avoiding Penis Fractures?
There are misconceptions that having rough sex means that you need to thrust harder and deeper. If your partner has told you that they enjoy things a little less vanilla in the bedroom, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to go hard and fast. You only get one penis, and you need to take care of it. There are plenty of ways of enjoying ‘rough’ sex without breaking your dick.
Explore each other’s fetishes and kinks. By having a conversation with your partner, you might actually uncover some of the things you never knew they were into. If you’re both into it, you could safely explore a little BDSM together. Domination and submission aren’t always about the actual act of sex itself, exploring power dynamics can be a huge turn-on for both you and your partner.
Another thing you might want to play around with is dirty talk. Find out how your partner likes to be talked to in the bedroom and spice up your sex life that way.
Everyone’s kinks are different, and what floats one person’s boat might sink another’s. Learning about your partner’s sexual fantasies can really help you arrive at mind-blowing sex that you’ll both enjoy without the danger of developing a penile fracture or ED.
How To Avoid Penis Fractures Altogether
The best way to avoid breaking your penis during sex is to avoid being vigorous while in an awkward position, or place. We understand you want to impress your partner or try something new. That’s great, but use common sense before thrusting like a maniac in a position that may cause you an injury.
The same thing applies to your partner. If your partner is riding you and bouncing up and down like a bouncy house, then YOU need to take control and lead the way.
BDE Style sex tip: Sex is so much better if you and your partner are in sync. So, if she’s riding you and bouncing up and down, one wrong move (or bounce) and snap. Instead, try moving your hips (and ass) under her while you lead the strokes, and tempo while focusing on angling your dick to hit her g-spot, a-spot, and p-spot. That’s better than moving ‘in and out’ in piston movements, which doesn’t really do much for a woman to actually orgasm...

If you’re having an extramarital affair (I don’t know why I’m offering advice to you guys), get a hotel so you can actually have peace and alone time. Don’t try to do it in a car where it’s a small space or in the office or at home when someone can catch you.
I’m assuming these are places you people are doing it while your spouse is "unaware", but I can imagine you guys feel like the sex is in a ‘stressful situation’, which implies that it’s probably rushed, awkward, and timed before anyone finds out you two are doing the deed.
Penis Fractures Gone Wrong and What To Do if You Have Complications After Breaking Your Penis
If you DO get injured during sex and hear a popping sound, GO to the ER. The quicker you go, the easier it will be for you to get treatment and start the recovery process. And recovering from a penis fracture takes time, so take it easy!
And, if you do happen to get some complications like scar tissue (Peyronie’s) or erectile dysfunction after having trauma to the penis, then there is also treatment for those things too!
Recent innovations in technology continue to offer better solutions for treating Peyronie’s disease and erectile dysfunction. If you’re in this boat, acoustic wave therapy may be a BETTER solution for you.
Use The Phoenix to "Rise To The Occasion" Once Again

By using an acoustic wave device like The Phoenix, you can restore sexual performance in the bed and "get it up" once again.
One of the best things about this device is that it can be used at home, without the assistance of a medical professional. So that means no standing in the urologist’s office awkwardly while they poke away at your penis.
We also recommend checking out The Phallosan Forte as penile injuries or trauma can lead to curvatures. The Phallosan can help straighten things out over time!

BDE Style Has the Perfect Solution for Your Sexual Performance Problems
Guys, we all want to do it like they do on the Discovery Channel, but going hard and fast won’t win you any prizes in the orgasm race, it’s just risking your manhood. Penis fractures are no laughing matter! Slow it down and take it easy and find other ways to make your sex life more exciting.
If you are affected by sexual performance issues, do something about it at home, grab your Phoenix here today!
BDEStyle is your go-to resource for erectile dysfunction, sexual health, and penis enlargement. If you like what you’ve read, drop us a comment, share this article, or subscribe to the blog, and keep coming back for more PERSONAL advice that will enhance your sex life and your relationships.