Everyone has a dream and in these dreams we always want to achieve bigger and better things.
Whether it’s a bigger house, a nice car, better promotions, or to get married we never stop to improve and grow. And as for some of us, the same mantra also applies to our sex lives. Sex is an important part of our lives and plays an integral role in our overall well-being.
Reasons why people have sex:
It makes us happy and healthier people.
Having sex can help us improve and practice our skills.
It shows our love and commitment.
Sex can often be goal oriented (helps social status).
It can make us feel desirable.
Sex makes some people feel less insecure (helps boost self-esteem).
It’s very pleasurable (most of us can all agree on).
Revenge (unhealthy).
Sex can be a way to express oneself.
The list can go on...
If you’re dissatisfied with your sex life, your ability to get an erection, or even the size of your penis - now is the time to take control and make a change! Nobody is going to fix these problems for you - you need to be the person that puts in the effort.
So, what can you do in 2024 to improve your sex life and your sexual health?
Here are 7 ways to improve you sex life in 2024.
Key Takeaways |
Open communication is crucial for improving intimacy and addressing sexual issues within a relationship. Don't shy away from discussing desires and expectations with your partner. |
Experimentation can keep things exciting in the bedroom. Trying new positions or incorporating playful teasing can reignite passion. |
Mental connection and genuine flirtation outside the bedroom are pivotal to sustaining a fulfilling sexual relationship. |
Being supportive and understanding towards your partner's sexual performance issues, such as ED, can strengthen your bond and improve both intimacy and satisfaction. |
Solutions like acoustic wave therapy have shown promising results for men dealing with ED, offering non-invasive options to enhance sexual performance. |

1. Prioritize Health for a Better Sex Life
Your overall physical and mental health plays a BIG role in your sexual health. In order to have a better sex life, you need to prioritize your health. This means staying active, eating well, and taking care of your mental and emotional well-being.
But what does that really look like?
Cut Back on the Sugar
Recently, we talked to you about the effect that sugar is destroying your sex life. Not only can excessive sugar consumption lead to the development of type 2 diabetes, but it can also lead to erectile dysfunction.

Sugar only provides a short term energy boost. Once the sugar high has passed, it leaves you feeling sluggish and lethargic - lacking the energy to have sex.
Your libido is integral to your ability to have sex. Too much sugar can leave you resistant to leptin - which has a knock-on effect on your desire for sex. It can also increase your cortisol levels, leaving you stressed out while pulling blood away from your vital organ.
We all like a sweet treat every now and again, but before you devour that entire box of donuts, ask yourself whether you’re doing your sexual health a disservice.
Ditch the Dad Bod
Did someone once tell you that dad bods were sexy? Maybe you heard this myth and decided it was okay to pile on the extra pounds and shirk exercise! While conforming to near-impossible physical health standards may be a challenge to most - letting go and developing dad bods can affect your penis size, lead to a whole raft of health problems, and even lead to erectile dysfunction.
If you look down at your penis and all you see is your gut hanging over your waist, now is the time to do something about it.
Now, we’re not suggesting you need to be in the gym every day sculpting a bodybuilder’s physique, but you should at least look after yourself.
Having a dad bod is a sure sign that you neglect yourself and that you just don’t care about your health. Potential partners pick up on these things, and it’s hardly a turn on.

Cut Back on Cholesterol
If you’re a younger guy, you may think that you don’t need to worry about your heart health just yet. After all, heart problems are not something that affects younger guys?
Building up cholesterol now will put you in greater stead for high blood pressure and heart problems sooner rather than later. Not only that, but it will have a knock-on effect on your erections.
If you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction and you’re still young, high cholesterol may be a cause.
Not only that but these can also lead to erectile dysfunction. If you don't believe us, check out these guides here:
Stop Vaping
Okay, so you quit smoking. That’s a massive achievement.
BUT instead of smoking, you now vape! Contrary to what you may think, vaping is not good for your body. Many times it is even worse than smoking cigarettes or cigars now.
Dealing with nicotine restrictions in your system can contribute to erectile dysfunction.
This year, make it your mission to quit it, before vaping causes ED for you.

Drink More Water
Did you know that there is a link between dehydration and erectile dysfunction? Back in March, we discussed this link and talked about why it’s important to drink plenty of water.
It’s all to do with the way that water helps the delivery of oxygen to your penis. If you’ve not already made a concerted effort to make drinking water a habit - do so this year.
2. Boost Your Enthusiasm
Ok, now that we've talked about prioritizing your health, let's talk about boosting your enthusiasm. Having a great attitude and high energy levels can really go a long way in improving your sex life.
This is the most important and simplest piece of advice we can suggest on how to improve your sex life. Couples who are in a relationship tend to lose satisfaction and frequency in sex overtime.
By being enthusiastic you will help reenact your “dating” phase when you once were enthusiastic. Try recreating these moments and continue encouraging your partner to do the same. Nothing is worse than boring sex or losing touch with your sensual and sexual side.
Here is a tip for you: Don’t just don't lay in the bed, and let your partner do all the work. Work together and try something new!

In addition to this, don't let your mind wander either. Oftentimes when having sex and thinking about your to-do list for tomorrow, can ruin the moment when trying to be in sync with your partner. What you should do is be attentive to what's happening and respond equally to keep the fire burning.
But, what if my partner or friend with benefits is not enthusiastic?
Well, if you are enthusiastic, this may turn on your partner. Being enthusiastic will also rub off to your partner and they will end up being more enthusiastic too.
Can I just fake it instead?
Pretending to be thrilled can be insulting, fake, and will do less to improve your sex life. This can include fake moans, or manipulative statements, which can be destructive in the long run.
For instance, you don’t want to fake moan so your man thinks he’s doing a “good” job. He’ll never learn this way and if he finds out you faked an orgasm, it may destroy the trust between you too. This also applies to guys too. You might be the more sexually experienced partner and will be able to get her off multiple times. However, if she tries to get you off and she can’t, she will also feel inadequate if you “fake it”.
Ultimately, your goal is not to appear like you are forcing yourself to be enthusiastic, but to actually feel the excitement and encourage your partner too.
For instances, find something that makes you horny and focus on it.
If you like what she’s wearing that day, then say it
If her hair style turns you on, then say it.
If he smells nice or you like the way he picks you before sex, then say it.
The more you are turned on, the easier it will be for you to enjoy sex. The same goes for your partner too.
3. Engage More in Intimacy
Make 2024 and 2025 the years you have more sex! Sex is great for your physical and mental health, and it boosts the production of feel-good hormones such as oxytocin.
Let’s face it, 2020-2022 hasn’t been the best of years - living through a pandemic has put additional stress on many relationships, and for those who aren’t dating - it’s made meeting new people that little bit harder. In 2024 and 2025, why not strive to be physically intimate more often?
Okay, so you’re hung up about the way you’re hung? That’s no problem - grab The Bathmate or Phallosan Forte and start doing something about it!
If your penis not getting hard enough is the issue - check out The Phoenix - an acoustic wave device that improves sexual performance and makes it easier for men to "get it up" once again!

4. Explore and Experiment
Sex is not all about sticking a penis into a vagina, which is why it is important to learn more about the topic.
Here are a few options for you to learn more about it:
The internet
Professional help
Going out there and having sex
There are tons of amazing blogs and websites that can teach you about sex. A simple search query on Google, and you will have numerous options in front of you to learn more. There is also porn, but don’t be confused with what you see. Porn can often dilute our minds of what we think “real sex” looks like.
Try looking up the amateur porn category and you will find more realistic videos of what to expect. There are even video instructions on foreplay and how to make a girl squirt.
We HIGHLY recommend checking out OMGYes, if you really want to learn more about female pleasure and sex. It's the best platform out there!
Tip 1: Too much porn can be a bad thing. For some, it may cause ED. You don’t want to desensitize yourself and then when you’re with a girl, you can’t get hard.
Tip 2: Every girl is different. We don’t recommend trying some crazy finger blaster move you found online on the next girl you meet without giving her a heads up. Understand the concept and work up to it. Make the girl feel comfortable first and then see how she reacts to something new. It also doesn’t hurt to ask, which is one of the reasons we have sex in the first place. To learn and improve our skills!
Masturbation is also another way to learn about sex and your body. As you explore and learn about your preferences through your own hands, you can teach them to your partner.
This is important because if you understand your body and how you orgasm, passing this knowledge to your partner will help make the experience and pleasure so much better.
Get professional help if you need further mediation or if communication is tough between you and your partner. A sex therapist can help you overcome any sexual issues. You don't have to worry about being judged; these guys have heard the worst.
Loosen the Death Grip
We’re not going to tell you to stop masturbating entirely, but if you’re going at it like a jackhammer day and night, you’re not going to want sex, and you could end up with a nasty case of ED.
Cutting back on the amount you masturbate, loosening up, and dialing back the intensity of your wanking sessions will ensure you’re not developing death grip syndrome (DGS).
Another related problem may be porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED) - too much exposure to porn can leave you lacking in the bedroom.
If you’re already noticing the effects of DGS or even PIED, you may want to quit fapping and porn altogether and now is a great time to make a fresh start of it.

Try Something New
To piggyback on the section above, you need to be willing to try something new while keeping things exciting. You don’t want to fall into a phase where sex is the same and it becomes boring. Try something new!
This could be anything like:
I want to try another position, rather than the same position we always try.
I want you to touch me more and kiss me more outside the bedroom before we take this inside.
I want to tell you that I would like to talk dirty before we get the intercourse started.
I want you to tie me up.
5. Focus on Mental Connection
Many couples face issues with their sex life only because they lack communication, which leads to sex droughts in physical intimacy.
Talking to your partner, about intimate conversations can be scary, but doing so will help ease the pressure when it comes to expectation and how to improve your sex life.
Don't get discouraged by what your partner says; always remember you’re supposed to learn more about your partner and their physical desires. It doesn’t stop after the first 6 months!

Feedback about sexual performance or desires does not mean there is something wrong in your relationship. It just means that there is room for improvement and in the end you both will grow. It all starts with an open conversation about what kind of sex excites you and ways you can improve your intimacy levels.
Mind Fuck Them
Yes, we’re being serious. Mind fuck the shit out of them!
For good sex, it's really important to flirt and tease your partner not only in the bedroom, but outside too. And yes, you still need to do it even if it's been years you've been together.
Remember how things used to stay heated when you two just started the relationship. There was fire and sexual tension, which ultimately led to crazy sex. You can still mind fuck them or learn how to do it so they miss you and crave your touch.
Touch her in flirtatious ways, not sexual.
Lean into her when you speak
Caress her neck or arm.
Smack her ass and give her a compliment and then WALK away.
"eye fuck" her too. Do the old fashion elevator eyes while licking your lips and locking eyes with her.
You can do all these things (and more) while you watch a movie, or maybe prep a meal, or while you're about to get dressed for work. Do this from the start of the day and until the end. Whether you have sex at night or morning or mid day, there needs to be a build up.
Here are some other things you both can try:
For her: When teasing your partner, give her a glimpse of what's underneath your clothes. hold her from the back, pull her closer to you. By the time you will reach that first kiss, it will be like lightning has struck.
For him: Give him a glimpse of what's underneath your clothes by pulling up your skirt or pulling down your strap. Wiggle your hips a bit as you walk in front of him.
6. Be Supportive, Open, and Understanding
If you suffer from ED and you are embarrassed about it, your partner may not know what to do when it becomes an awkward moment.
Sex is supposed to be fun, but at the same time a vulnerable experience.
It's during these times that you need to accept each others bodies and how they work so that it can lead to a more intimate and fulfilling sex life. Sexual issues in the bedroom can range from not getting it up to premature ejaculations, etc. that affect many relationships.
But in order to improve the situation you first have to accept the problem and then work together to find a solution.
For instance, ED can be physical or mental.
If it’s mental you can talk with your partner about insecurities preventing him from achieving an erection. You can then let them know that you are supportive and are willing to try new things and continue education about ED and it’s causes.
Treatment options for men dealing with sexual performance issues are always improving and devices like The Phoenix that uses acoustic wave therapy are non-invasive and safe for men to try something new that continues to work for many men throughout the country.